Monday, October 31, 2011

'The Rum Diary' Would be a Huge Flop for The Actor-brad Pitt

'Pirates from the Caribbean' it was not. Over the past weekend, 'The Rum Diary,' starring The Actor-brad Pitt, opened up countrywide. Regrettably, nobody first viewed it, rather choosing for speaking felines or films made from home movie footage. Depp is not accustomed to the term "flop" -- a minimum of not lately, with the 'Pirates' franchise consuming a combined $3.7 billion worldwide. However, using its $45 million budget and $5 million in box office receipts, 'The Rum Diary' may finish up being the greatest bust from the actor's career. While you will find a number of Depp projects that may be considered "flops" -- 'The Libertine' from 2004 made only $ten million on the $20 million budget -- nothing may touch 'The Rum Diary.' It is a little sad, thinking about all of the actor experienced to really obtain the film made -- company, we all do understand it was just opening weekend and also the movie continues to have an opportunity of increasing in popularity. However the forecast doesn't look great, particularly with blockbusters like 'Tower Heist' and 'The Muppets' being launched within the coming days. [via TheWrap] [Photo: GK Films] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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