Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kevin Smith Visits Occupy Wall Street To 'Talk To Some Cats'

Kevin Smith has never been one to hide his views and opinions, especially on hot-button topics, so it couldn't come as a surprise that after the "Red State" director stopped by MTV News, he planned to head downtown to check out the Occupy Wall Street protests and perhaps finally get a straight answer about what the demonstrations were all about. "You hear people online go, 'It's this. It's that.' You never know unless you go down there," Smith told MTV News' Josh Horowitz. "So I'm going to go down there and talk to some cats." The movement intrigued Smith for both it's uniqueness and the way it seemingly hearkens back to some of the civil unrest of previous decades. "There's no Hyrda head, so you want to talk to a bunch of people to find out what is this," Smith said. "It sounds kind of cool. You haven't seen any sort of spontaneous civil disobedience like this in a long f---ing time." Smith encouraged everyone to go visit the protests just to be a part of history and to find out what it was all about for themselves. "Something like that bears looking at. We live in history every day of our lives," Smith said. "Jump in and touch it. Don't just read about it online."

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