Thursday, November 10, 2011

Laurence Fishburne Signs First-Look Cable Development Deal With Fox TV Art galleries

EXCLUSIVE: Laurence Fishburne, who headlined CBS’ CSI for just two-and-a-half seasons, is returning to TV series, this time around around just like a producer. Fishburne’s Cinema Gypsy Prods. has signed a couple-year first-look development deal with Fox Television Art galleries for cable projects. Former Vital Television SVP current programming Tom Russo remains attracted on as Mind of Television for Cinema Gypsy Prods. He'll shepherd the development of cable series beneath the deal with FtvS and may serve a producer on Cinema Gypsy’s projects. Fishburne and also the longtime manager/production partnerHelen Sugland will executive produce. “I’m searching toward growing our production efforts in television and joining track of Fox Television Art galleries,” Fishburne mentioned. FtvS leader David Madden was a lot more effusive within the comments in regards to the deal with the Matrix actor. Laurence Fishburne has won the Tony Award, the Emmy Award, which is an Academy Award nominee, additionally to being globally recognized the most effective stars working today,” Madden mentioned. “He did sterling concentrate on CSI, which we all know he's still much more to supply for the TV series world. We are proud to remain in business with Laurence and anticipate getting good blazing Fishburne-esque performances for the screen. Too for Gods sake, hes Morpheus! Fishburne’s Cinema Gypsy Prods. first experienced TV development 3 years ago once the organization signed a preliminary-look deal with CBS TV Art galleries, which produces CSI. The business recently co-produced the Cinemax movie Thurgood starring Fishburne, which acquired him an Emmy nomination. Round the acting side, Paradigm-repped Fishburne most recently co-starred in Contagion and may next be viewed within the Hallmark Hall of Fame TV movie Have A Very Little Belief and Guy Of Steel. FtvS’s portfolio of cable series includes USA’s Burn Notice and White-colored Collar, AMC’s The Killing together with a&E’s The Glades.

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