Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Henry Cavill's 'Man Of Steel' Fan Support, 'Iron Man' Stays Drunk

It ain't easy being Superman. Sure, he's got X-ray vision, and yes, bullets bounce off his chest. But actor Henry Cavill also has to deal with an overwhelming amount of attention from onlookers when it comes to assuming the iconic role for "Man of Steel." Thankfully, the fan support he's received has been equally overwhelming, and Cavill expressed his gratitude in a new interview with MTV News. Check it out below. Hit past the jump to see more of the latest comic book movie news! "Iron Man 3" Ignores "Demon In A Bottle" Tony Stark's drinking problem won't be an object of interest for "Iron Man 3" director Shane Black. The filmmaker recently explained that he's not planning on pursuing the famous "Demon in a Bottle" storyline for his upcoming superhero movie, largely because it would require a full film to dive into that very dark territory. Doc Hammer Loves "Doctor Strange" Doctor Orpheus of "Venture Bros." fame is a testament to the show's creator Doc Hammer's love for the character of Doctor Strange. But he wants to take his love even further: apparently, he wants to make a full-fledged "Doctor Strange" movie. I don't think it's in the cards for Hammer, unfortunately, but it's certainly an interesting idea, to say the least. "Walking Dead" Creator Plays George Lucas That's a headline that's bound to make you squirm, isn't it? But really, all Robert Kirkman is trying to say is that he's having a lot of fun changing things up between the "Walking Dead" television series and comic books. One of the biggest ways that he's changed the game between the mediums, he says, is the continued existence of Shane. See what he had to say below. Tell us what you think of today's Splash Page news in the comments and on Twitter!

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