Monday, August 1, 2011

VIDEO: Lady Gaga Says Tim Gunn is "Being a Bully" Regarding Hillary Clinton

Lady Gaga Lady Gaga co-hosted Monday's episode of The View and the topic of Tim Gunn's recent comments regarding Hillary Rodham Clinton's wardrobe choices came up. (Gunn had said last week on Lopez Tonight, "I think [Clinton is] confused about her gender. All these big, baggy, tailored men's suits? No, I'm really serious.") Gaga's response? "He's being a bully. I think Hillary Clinton has more important things to worry about than her hemline." Since Gaga has eclipsed Gunn's fashion relevance for a while now, we're more inclined to defer to her. (And since when does a woman choosing to wear anything have any bearing on her gender identity? Is Gunn living in the '50s?) Lady Gaga to release photography book Watch Gaga's defense and Gunn's original comment below: And, here's a bonus video: Gaga also discussed Amy Winehouse's death, which she said left her speechless for 48 hours after the news broke. "The lesson was to be kinder to the superstar. Everybody was so hard on her," said Gaga. That discussion led to this one on Gaga's drug history:

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